Tempe in Motion (TIM) provides bus, bicycle, pedestrian and light rail facilities and encourages getting around Tempe in anything but a car. Our goal is to provide a balanced transportation system that is environmentally sustainable, accessible, preserves neighborhoods,
you bike ride !!!
you bus ride !!!
you light rail ride !!!
you bike = no pollution
you bike = You Active, Healthy
adobe acrobat
The Transportation Master "Planning program" is responsible for anticipating future community and regional transportation needs and seeing to it that the multi-modal system gets built in an ordered and timely fashion. Key processes include capital planning, master planning for all modes and integration of parking, trip reduction and operation of transit and special needs transportation services. Planning develops master long-range plans for streets, transit, BIKEWAYS ???, and SIDEWALKS ???. It reviews private developer proposals to ensure that long-range traffic impacts are considered, and infrastructure completion is appropriately timed. This program conducts preliminary planning for transportation capital projects such as traffic forecasting, feasibility studies and environmental assessments. It explores policy-level decisions regarding methodologies to finance transportation infrastructure, including impact fees. It administers the bicycle and pedestrian program, and is the City’s representative to regional, state, and national transportation organizations.
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