Tuesday, March 3, 2009

AFRICAN-AMERICAN WOMAN Candidate for President??

Barack Obama: A Black Face, for a Racis$t EMPIRE?

Diary Entry by Brian O'Moore

Is Barack Obama simply to be, the Non-White face of "elected" "Leaders$hip," for our Cruel, Corporatist's$ Empire? Our Criminally "Elected," current "Pres$ident," GW Bus$h, hath often invoked the names current Secretary Of Sate, Ms. Condoleeza Rice, and her predecessor, Colin Powell, whenever he thinks thatanyone, "anywhere," may be perceiving him to be either a racist, or an elitist, or both,in this horribly tragic, and highly preventable times$, times$ in today's$ corporate "America," that were directly enabled by the vast, systematic suppression, of, to date, tens of millions of African-AMERICAN CITIZENS(* and other Democratic voters), and their basic human and civil RIGHTS, for VOTING, in the phony National "ElectionS" from 2000 to yes, even including 2006's Mid-Term "Elections$," in which the RIGHTIS$T and anti-American Computer "Voting" Companies$ did also suppress(* please read Professor Mark CRISPIN MILLER's latest books[and others!] re: these stolen "Elections," such as his latest, LOSER TAKE ALL), .. 4-5% of the Democratic Voters' numbers, through various, CRIMINAL and FELONIOUS "tactics$," as they've been termed by our "Major" "News$ media!

 And so, why would not such an all-powerful, PROFITEERS$' dream of an EMPIRE, as doth clearly befit the proper description of such Uber-Des$truction-WORS$HIPPING 'S$tates$," as today's "American Republic," now, particularly after this$ "elected" "Pres$idency" now want a black man's  kindly and most-charming face, a.k.a. Barack Obama, to become "Our" New, "National" Corporatis$ts$-War-Dis$aster-Profiteers$ and War Criminals$"S$POKESMAN," from January 20th, 2009 AD, ...ONWARDS$$$ Furthermore and lastly, given that our national "elections" do no longer pay  even a hint of HONEST attetion to ANY, scientifically and Mathematically HONEST "election's" results, ... well then Barack Obama WILL BE the UNELECTED ELITE'S$ and Profiteers$/Corporations$, next"appointee," ... in full effect.

 Therefore, these facts and honest observations, only give me further encouragement to vote for Ms. CYNTHIA McKINNEY, of The TRUE AMERICA'S Truly Great, Truly PATRIOTIC Green Party(* And too, if thes$e Stinkin' "Powers$ that Be," s$ucceed in Muscling, in 'McKinneying," Dennis KUCINICH out of his HONESTLY-won Congressional Office, with Denny's being the only other one(his latest, 35 articles of Impeachment, a true TESTAMENT to true DEMOCRACY, Folks, in my humble opinion!) in the entire, "People's$" "Congress$" to have issued ArticleS of Impeachment agains$t this uber-CRIMINAL Regime, besides god Love her, CYNTHIA McKinney, well then perhaps there would be enough time for Dennis to become Ms. McKinney's Vice-Presidential, Green Party{ie the TRUE Democrats and NOT merely 'Democrats$," in these tragically-CORRUPT days$!), yes for she IS a True Patriot,  a truly AMERICAN HEROINE, Cynthia McKINNEY, for PRESIDENT!

 I suppose that there are still some, out there in {CYBER-} "Space" who think that yes, I must be a "mysoginis$t," for not supporting the REPUBLICANS$ favorite girl(remember Limbaugh's rightis$t "Crossover voters" behaving as FELONS, throughout this just-past "Primary" Season?)  S$enator Hillary Clinton, as Obama's vice-President, or that I clearly, must be a closet "Racist," myself[we all have our own, individual prejudices, and I try to wrestle with, then lessen or ELIMINATE my own, particularly any kind of "racism" or 'Sexism" on my part, I always am trying to cleanse myself, of these, EVILS, indeed, which they truly are!], for now(* his, Senator Obama's moves to the RIGHTISTS$ and Anti-AMERICAN, Anti-US CONSTITUTION Believing 'Faith-Bas$ed," current "Christianists$," and of course Obama's views on the latest Senate FISA Bill, have caised me to do this; this is in spite of Obama's wonderfully diverse, "Bi-racial" or African-AMERICAN ancestry) for my now, having "turned against Barack"{ he has turned on or against me, is my logical, summary of the situation, fellow American CITIZENS!] I MUST be a Closet racist, to have done this, to NOW, be fully in support of the ah-hem, the AFRICAN-AMERICAN WOMAN Candidate for President, ah-hem, ... named Cynthia McKINNEY!

Green Talking Points: Greens speak out on Obama's plans for carbon emissions trading, US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan

For Immediate Release:Green Party Logo
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Scott McLarty, Media Coordinator, 202-518-5624, cell 202-904-7614, mclarty@greens.org
Starlene Rankin, Media Coordinator, 916-995-3805, starlene@gp.org

The First 100 Days: What Would a Green Administration Look Like?" (video and text) http://www.gp.org/first100

Cynthia McKinney - Palestine, Israel, Boat
getting rammed
from Craig Seeman on Vimeo.
Green Party leaders today offered critical comments on President Obama's recently announced plans for reduction of greenhouse gas emissions, the withdrawal of US troops from Iraq, and escalation of troop levels in Afghanistan.
After the Clinton and Bush administrations refused to take minimal steps to confront climate change, at least the Obama administration has offered modest plans and intends to seek a new post-Kyoto international treaty. However, given scientists' recent warnings of accelerated warming, Greens oppose carbon emissions trading schemes such as the one proposed by President Obama, asserting that permits for polluting companies to trade emission permits are ineffective at curbing global climate change.
"The failure of emissions trading in Europe over the past three years proves cap-and-trade plans are full of loopholes, are vulnerable to widespread abuse, and threaten the air quality in communities near industries that buy credits. The solution must involve drastic cuts in greenhouse gases, reduction of fossil fuel consumption (especially car traffic), carbon taxes, energy conservation, and new jobs in conservation, retrofitting, and cultivation of safe, clean energy sources. There is no way to solve the global warming crisis without profound changes to our economy and way of life," said Budd Dickinson, energy engineer and co-chair of the Green Party of the United States.

The Green Party has offered a set of 'First 100 Days' action for the new administration (http://www.gp.org/committees/ecoaction/documents/First_100_Days.pdf). Green Parties throughout the world have urged developed countries to commit to domestic reductions of at least 30% by 2020 and 80% by 2050, in comparison with 1990 emission levels, and support conversion to a "low or zero carbon society." ("Global Greens, representing 70 Green Parties and Green groups, issue declaration on reduction of greenhouse gases," Green Party press release, December 7, 2007, http://www.gp.org/press/pr_2007_12_07.shtml).
See also: "Britain's big polluters accused of abusing EU's carbon trading scheme," The Guardian, 27 January 2009 (http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2009/jan/27/industry-abusing-ets-carbon-trading), and "Smoke alarm: EU shows carbon trading is not cutting emissions," The Guardian, April 3, 2007 (http://www.guardian.co.uk/business/2007/apr/03/carbonemissions.environment).
The Green Party called Mr. Obama's plan to call home many (not all) US troops from Iraq by August 31, 2010 a minimal and probably ineffectual step towards ending the war. "President Obama's intention to leave a residual force of between 35,000 and 50,000 troops and permanent US bases in Iraq indicates that the occupation won't really end, and that the Obama White House, like the last administration, wants to protect US corporate interests in Iraq, namely oil," said Mark Dunlea, former chair of the Green Party of New York State.
"The illegal US invasion of Iraq, based on a litany of deceptions, has resulted in the destruction of the country and deaths of hundreds of thousands of civilians, as well as over 4,000 US troops. The only acceptable order from President Obama is one calling home all US military personnel and contractors immediately, to give the Iraqi people the chance to rebuild without interference," added Jody Grage, founder of Seattle's Nonviolent Peacekeeper Pool and treasurer of the Green Party of the United States. Green Party leaders said that a quick withdrawal of US troops, combined with a reduction in military funding, would also free up hundreds of billions of dollars in funding that could help jumpstart the suffering US economy.
The Green Party opposes President Obama's plan to send 17,000 more US troops to Afghanistan and his request for increased military spending. The results of the US invasion and occupation of Afghanistan have so far been widespread civilian casualties from air attacks, massive physical destruction, the fracturing of the country under different ethnic and religious leaders, and the reemergence of the Taliban. Greens said that the troop escalation would very likely lead to greater anti-American sentiment and less chance for security and a better life for the Afghan people. Green Party leaders said that regional problems were more likely to be resolved through diplomacy and international cooperation, and that the lies 9/11 attacks required international investigation and prosecution, given numerous unanswered questions about the attacks (http://www.gp.org/press/pr_2006_09_11.shtml).

See also "Greens call for US troop withdrawal on the sixth anniversary of the
invasion of Afghanistan,"

Cynthia McKinney

Cynthia McKinney

The most courageous member of Congress. http://www.911truth.org/

http://www.911truth.org/osamas/mckinney.html Out of 535 members of Congress, Congresswoman CynthiaMcKinney was the first to break the consensus of silence and pointto the obvious - that the Bush administration had received advance warningsof an attack, and that this called for a full investigation, without limitson what line of questioning is acceptable. After saying so in March, shewas vilified without mercy in the press, until it became clear that manymore people were believing her and supporting her than the pundits andspin managers imagined.

The following archive is meant as a resource for thosewho wish to support McKinney's call for disclosure by contacting her orother members of the Congress, press and media. Let this record serve asan inspiration to action by many others!

1. McKinney statement and interview of Mar. 24 on KPFA radio in Berkeley- how the ball got rolling.

2. Washington Post story of April 12.More than two weeks later, someone at the Post actually decides to reporton McKinney's radio interview, setting off a chain reaction. A Georgiasenator calls for her lunatic head. A Bush spokesman is shocked - shocked!- that anyone thinks the president came to power in an illegitimate election. A spokesman of the Carlyle Group associates McKinney with "Roswell, NewMexico," the location of a supposed crash by an alien UFO in the 1950s,and "the grassy knoll" on Dealey Plaza in Dallas, the spot from which manypeople say they witnessed President Kennedy being shot at by a second gunmanin Nov. 1963. Ari Fleischer later used the same spin. (Was it really sosmart to mention the grassy knoll? Last time I heard, 80 percent of theAmerican people still expressed a preference for the laws of physics overthe findings of the Warren Commission.)

3. McKinney Statement of April13. Yeah, she meant what she said. Got a problem?

4. Yes, some people got a problem. Reactions in the press:

April 16: The Christian NewsService and the right-wing Southern Legal Foundation strike first anddirtiest, by playing the "terrorist card." They report that McKinney tookmoney from a Hamas supporter, Abdurahman Alamoudi, "the founder and formerexecutive director of the American Muslim Council." CNS fails to mentionthat this organization also endorsed Bush for president in 2000, and gavemoney to his campaign. In fact, Bush invited Alamoudi to the Sept. 14 serviceat the National Cathedral, where the latter was trotted out as a representativeof America's six million Muslims. April 17: NEWSMAX reports that talk-radio yahoo Imuscalled McKinney insane, while her colleague, Rep. Harold Ford, putup a tepid defense.

The Atlanta Journal-Constitution (which slammed McKinneyin an editorial) puts up an online poll to see if anyonebelieves the administration had advance knowledge of the attacks. A fewhours later, of 23,000 votes, 46 percent say they believe the governmentknew about the Sept. 11 attacks in advance. This is despite a campaignon the popular right-wing "Free Republic" site, which urging its membersto "vote against McKinney."

The poll is taken down. Suddenly, the pundits rememberthat online polls are unscientific, at least when they yield undesirableresults.

Apr. 17: Columnist Kathleen
of the Orlando Sentinel plays the race card about as subtly as she
canmanage by mentioning Darwin, and strains her limited faculties in a lameattempt
to insult McKinney and accuse her of helping the terrorists. During this time,
similarly vicious ad hominem attacks,which I shall not bother to reproduce here,
are staged by the online magazineSlate and other vehicles.

Carol Schiffler
in Online Journalwrites "in defense of Cynthia McKinney," as many others did
in April andMay.

5. My own letter
to Cynthia McKinney
,Apr. 26. Dramatic, perhaps, but I stand by it. Plusa
cover letter to Hillary
Rodham Clinton
, senatorfrom my home state and one of many members of Congress
to whom I forwardedmy McKinney letter.

6. McKinney statement
of May 16
, after the White House made its first admission of foreknowledge.
Suddenly,she's not a "conspiracy theorist" or a nut anymore.


Twelve Reasons to Reject Obama and Support Nader/McKinney

By James Petras 

October 29, 2008 -- The presidential elections in the US, once again, provide an acid test of the integrity and consequential conduct of US intellectuals. 
If it is the duty and responsibility of the public intellectual to speak truth
to power, the recent statements of most of our well-known and prestigious public
pundits have failed miserably.  Instead of highlighting, exposing and denouncing
the reactionary foreign and domestic policies of Democratic Party candidate
Senator Barack Obama, they have chosen to support him, ‘critically, offering
as excuses that even ‘limited differences’ can result in positive outcomes,and
that ‘Obama is the lesser evil’ and ‘creates an opportunity for a possibility
of change.’

 What makes these arguments untenable is the fact that Obama’s public pronouncements,
his top policy advisers, and the likely policymakers in his government have
openly defined a most bellicose foreign policy and a profoundly reactionary
domestic economic policy totally in line with Paulson-Bush-Wall Street.  On
the major issues of war, peace, the economic crisis and the savaging of the
US wage and salaried class, Obama promises to extend and deepen the policies
which the majority of Americans reject and repudiate.

Twelve Reasons to Reject Obama

1. Obama publicly and repeatedly promises to escalate the US military intervention
in Afghanistan, increasing the number of US troops, expanding their operations
and engaging in systematic cross-border attacks.  In other words, Obama
is a greater warmonger than Bush.

2.  Obama publicly has declared that his regime will extend the ‘lies
war against terrorism
’ by systematic, large-scale ground and air attacks
on Pakistan, thus escalating the war to include villages, towns and cities deemed
sympathetic to the Afghan resistance.

3.  Obama opposes the withdrawal of US troops in Iraq in favor of redeployment;
the relocation of US troops from combat zones to training and logistical positions,
contingent on the military capability of the Iraqi Army to defeat the resistance. 
Obama opposes a clearly defined deadline to withdraw US forces
from Iraq because US troops in Iraq are essential to pursuing his overall policies
in the Middle East,
which include military confrontations with Iran,
Syria and Southern Lebanon.

4. Obama has declared his unconditional support for the
position of the pro-Israel Lobby and the colonial expansionist and bellicose
policies of the Jewish state.
  He has promised to back Israeli military
attacks whatever the cost to the US.  His abject servility to Israel was evident
in his speech at the annual AIPAC conference in Washington 2008.  Top advisers
who have long and notorious links to the top echelons of the principle Zionist
propaganda mills and the Presidents of the Leading Jewish American Organizations
wrote the speech and formulate   his Middle East policy.

5.  Obama has promised to attack Iran if it continues to process uranium for its nuclear programs.  Twice, just weeks before the elections, Obama’s running
mate Joseph Biden spelled out a series of ‘points of conflict’   (including
Iran, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Russia and North Korea) emphasizing that Obama
‘would respond forcefully’.  Obama’s senior Middle East advisers
include leading Zionists like Dennis Ross, closely linked to the ‘Bipartisan
Policy Center’
, which published a report serving as a blueprint for war
with Iran.  Obama’s proposed offer to negotiate with Iran is little more than
a pretext for issuing an ultimatum to Iran to surrender its sovereignty or face
massive military assault.

6. Obama unconditionally supports Israel’s expulsion of Palestinians and the
expansion of Jewish settlements in the West Bank, the leading cause of Middle
East hostility, warfare and the discredit of US policy in the region.  With
three dozen Israel-Firsters among his leading campaign organizers, top policy
advisers, speech writers and among the likely candidates for cabinet positions,
there is virtually no hope of ‘influencing from within’ or ‘applying popular
pressure’ to change Obama’s slavish submission to the Zionist Power Configuration. 
By supporting Obama, the “progressive intellectuals” are, in
effect, allies of his Zionist mentors.

7. On the domestic front, Obama’s key economic advisers have impeccable Wall
Street credentials. He gave  unquestioning and immediate endorsement to Treasury
Secretary Paulson’s $700 billion dollar taxpayer bailout of the richest investment
banks in the US. Obama has failed to challenge Paulson or the banks over the
use of Federal funds  for buyouts and acquisitions instead of loans and credit
to producers and homeowners. Obama’s backing of Paulson and the Wall Street
bailout is matched by his meager proposals to suspend mortgage foreclosures
for a three-month period, pending re-negotiations of interest payments. 
Obama proposes to escalate transfers of government funds to mismanaged financial
institutions and bankrupt capitalist corporations, in  efforts to save failed
capitalism rather than pursue any new large-scale, long-term public investment
programs which will generate well-paid employment for workers.

8. Obama’s economic team has openly declared their embrace
and practice of ‘free market’ ideology and opposition to any effort to engage
in large-scale injections of government funds in publicly-owned productive activity
and social services in the face of wide-spread private sector failure, corruption
and collapse.

9.  Obama embraces failed private sector health plans, run and controlled by
corporate insurance companies, conservative medical and hospital associations
and Big Pharma.  He publicly rejects a universal national health program modeled
after the successful Federal Medicare program in favor of inefficient,
state-subsidized private for profit plans that are costly and beyond the means
of over one third of US families.

10.  Obama is and continues to be an advocate
for Big Agro and its highly subsidized and profitable ethanol program, which
has increased food prices for millions in the US and for hundreds of millions
in the world

11.  Obama advocates continuing the criminal embargo on Cuba, hostile confrontation with Venezuela’s populist President Chavez and other Latin
American reformers and the duplicitous policy of promoting protectionism at
home and free market access to Latin America.
  His key policy advicers
on Latin America propose cosmetic changes in style and diplomacy but unrelenting
support for re-asserting US hegemony.

12.  Obama has not proposed, nor do his free
market advisers and billionaire financial backers envision
, any comprehensive
plan or strategy to get us out of the deepening recession.  On the contrary,
the course of piecemeal measures presented by Obama are internally inconsistent: 
Fiscal austerity is incompatible with job creation; bailing out Wall Street
drains funds from productive investment; and pursuing new wars undermine domestic

CONCLUSION  The intellectuals who, in the name of ‘realism’, support a politician
who publicly and openly embraces new wars, billionaire bailouts and for profit,
private sector-run health programs are repudiating their own claims as ‘responsible
critics’.  They are what C. Wright Mills called ‘crackpot realists’, abdicating
their responsibility as critical intellectuals.  In purporting to support the
‘lesser evil’ they are promoting the ‘greater evil’: The continuation of four
more years of deepening recession, colonial wars and popular alienation.  Moreover,
they are allies of the mass media, major parties and the legal system which
has marginalized or outright excluded the alternative candidates, Ralph Nader
and Cynthia McKinney, who do speak out and oppose
the war, the pro-Wall Street bailouts and propose genuine large-scale public
investment in the domestic economy, a universal single payer health program,
sustainable and pro-environment economic policies and large-scale, long-term
income redistributive policies.

What is crass and unacceptable is the argument of these intellectuals, (an
insignificant pimple on the Democratic donkey’s rear-end)that for a single moment
believe that their ‘critical support’ of the Obama political machine will open
space for radical ideas.  The Zionists and civilian militarists totally control
Obama’s war policy in the Middle East:

There will be no space for peace with Iran,
Palestine, Pakistan, Afghanistan or Iraq.  Wall Street controls the Obama’s
financial policy:  There will be no space for some Cambridge progressive to
sneak in a handout for families losing their homes.

If multi-million trade union treasuries have
spent a hundred million dollars on each presidential campaign  have failed to
secure a single piece of progressive legislation in over 50 years, isn’t it
delusional for our progressive ‘public intellectuals’ to imagine that they,
in their splendid organizational isolation, can ‘pressure’ President Obama to
renounce his advisers, backers and public defense of military escalation, to
see his way to peace with Iran and to promote social justice for our workers
and unemployed?

Green Party of the United States http://www.gp.org

202-319-7191, 866-41GREEN
Fax 202-319-7193
Tally of Green election victories http://www.gp.org/2008-elections/election-results.html

Green candidate news http://www.gp.org/2008-elections/candidate-news.php

Green candidate database for 2008 and other campaign information: http://www.gp.org/elections.shtml

Green Party News Center http://www.gp.org/newscenter.shtml

Green Party Speakers Bureau http://www.gp.org/speakers

Green Party ballot access page http://www.gp.org/2008-elections
Green Pages, Vol. 13, No. 1

The official publication of record of the Green Party of the United States

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