Ezkiel Emanuel is the brother of Rahm Israael Emanuel And Son of a Well Know Israeli Terrorist
Obamas Ezekiel Emanuel "Reinterprets" Hippocratic Oath Like the Original Nazi Doctors
May 31, 2008 (LPAC)—Ezekiel Emanuel, MD, called for a reinterpretation of the physician's Hippocratic Oath to take account of "costs" and "effect on others" (like HMOs), in an article in JAMA of June 18, 2008. The brother of Obama's chief of staff, Ezekiel Emanuel is a top designer of Obama's Hitlerian medical-care "reform," as health-care advisor to Peter Orszag's OMB and a member of the Federal Council on Comparative Effectiveness research. He wrote:
"At least 7 factors drive overuse [of medical care], 4 related to physicians and 3 related to patients. First, there is the matter of physician culture. Medical school education and postgraduate training emphasize thoroughness. When evaluating a patient, students, interns, and residents are trained to identify and praised for and graded on enumerating all possible diagnoses and tests that would confirm or exclude them. The thought is that the more thorough the evaluation, the more intelligent the student or house officer. Trainees who ignore the improbable 'zebra' diagnoses are not deemed insightful. In medical training, meticulousness, not effectiveness, is rewarded.
"This mentality carries over into practice. Peer recognition goes to the most thorough and aggressive physicians. The prudent physician is not deemed particularly competent, but rather inadequate. This culture is further reinforced by A UNIQUE UNDERSTANDING OF PROFESSIONAL OBLIGATIONS, SPECIFICALLY, THE HIPPOCRATIC OATH'S ADMONITION TO 'USE MY POWER TO HELP THE SICK TO THE BEST OF MY ABILITY AND JUDGMENT' AS AN IMPERATIVE TO DO EVERYTHING FOR THE PATIENT REGARDLESS OF COST OR EFFECT ON OTHERS." [emphasis added].
Compare the account in Robert Jay Lifton's book "The Nazi Doctors." The anti-Nazi physician Ella Lingens-Reiner pointed to the chimneys in the distance, and asked Nazi doctor Fritz Klein, "How can you reconcile that with your [Hippocratic] oath as a doctor?" His answer was, "Of course I am a doctor and I want to preserve life. And out of respect for human life, I would remove a gangrenous appendix from a diseased body. The Jew is the gangrenous appendix in the body of mankind."
Blogs Seize on LPAC Exposé of Ezekiel Emanuel's Plan To Kill the "Useless Eaters"
July 28, 2009 (LPAC) — Several blogs picked up immediately on the LPAC report of July 21: "Ezekiel Emanuel: Death to Those With Dementia, as Useless Eaters." In one case, Newsvine.com linked directly to the LPAC wire, which in turn generated comments from over 100 readers. While a few frantic wackos warned against anything coming from LaRouche, nearly all the responses express shock and rage that such a Nazi is functioning openly within the Obama Administration.
Several responses reprint the key paragraph by Emanuel quoted in the LPAC report, before adding their own comment (that paragraph by Emanuel: "This civic republican or deliberative democratic conception of the good provides both procedural and substantive insights for developing a just allocation of health care resources. Procedurally, it suggests the need for public forums to deliberate about which health services should be considered basic and should be socially guaranteed. Substantively, it suggests services that promote the continuation of the polity — those that ensure healthy future generations, ensure development of practical reasoning skills, and ensure full and active participation by citizens in public deliberation — are to be socially guaranteed as basic. Conversely, services provided to individuals who are irreversibly prevented from being or becoming participating citizens are not basic and should not be guaranteed. An obvious example is not guaranteeing health services to patients with dementia.")
Some of the comments:
"Hitler would be proud to learn that his ideals are alive and well with Ezekiel Emanuel.... Do you want a repeat of this?"
"Now I know who he reminds me of - Joseph Mengele, the symbol of Hitler's Final Solution."
"I can tell you that as a mom with a four year old girl with severe speech apraxia that prevents her from being able to speak intelligibly, this scares the living hell out of me."
"From now on, I will ask my doctor if he graduated from Harvard. If he did, I'll change doctors."
"That is one of the most cruel and cold-hearted things that I've ever heard of. He obviously doesn't take into consideration that most of the people who get Alzheimer's or dementia are people that have worked hard all of their lives, and paid money into the government so that when they retire, they supposedly will have the medical care that they need."
(Responding to a diatribe against LaRouche:) "LaRouche's article is only pointing out the fact that Ezekiel has published his utopia of killing the elderly... That has nothing to do with LaRouche, except thanking him for bringing this atrocity to the masses."
"What a mess we've made of our country. I never thought I'd see the day when some idiot who is writing a healthcare bill would actually be in favor of something like this. The sad part is, for America, I think I can actually see that happening now. God help us."
"My dad passed this past year, and in a weird way, I am glad he is not here to see what has become of this great nation that he served and sacrificed for as an enlisted man in WWII. It makes me sick to my stomach. If they try this crap with my mom, they will have one hot dang fight on their hands."
Also of note is that at least two of the other blogs which reproduce the LPAC release also carry the youtube video of Tony Chaitkin exposing Dr. Mengele Emanuel to his face.
U.S. President Barack Obama delivered a nationally-televised press conference at 8 p.m. on July 22nd, in which on five separate occasions he called for health reform legislation featuring the establishment of "an independent board of doctors and health care experts" to make the life-and-death decisions of what care to provide, and what not, based on cost-effectiveness criteria--exactly the infamous "T-4"
policy imposed by Adolf Hitler in 1939, for which the Nazi regime was tried and condemned at Nuremberg.
Lyndon LaRouche commented, within minutes of Obama's remarks:
"President Obama is now impeachable, because he has, in effect, proposed legislation which is an exact copy of the legislation for which the Hitler regime was condemned in the post-war trials. This is an impeachable offense: to propose such a thing in this time, is an impeachable offense. The time has come that the President of the United States deserves impeachment. With this statement from him, the President now deserves impeachment."
In discussions prior to the President's address, LaRouche had noted that we are going into a point where everything is going to blow by no later than about the 12th of October. Therefore, the critical thing is to defeat Obama now on his health care agenda. Defeat him now. If they are forced to extend the deadline and go into the fall before they actually get this thing nailed down, LaRouche explained, then they've already lost. So we've got to escalate to defeat this thing right at this moment.
The President's promotion of this "T-4" as the non-negotiable element of his package is really a Nuremberg crime, LaRouche continued, and that becomes a basis for rallying the forces for defeating this thing, proving that this is a "T-4" fascist program. It's really an act of treason against the General Welfare clause of the Constitution.
Therefore, LaRouche stated, we have got to beat this thing now, because that represents a strategic forcing mechanism; whereas if they ram this thing through in the short term, which they are really desperate to do, then the Constitution is finished, the Republic is gone. It's the equivalent of the Reichstag fire.
July 24, 2009 (LPAC)--
As Lyndon LaRouche emphasized yesterday, the end of the fiscal year at the end of September/beginning of October, is the breaking point for the world financial system. This is the end game. If his forecast made in late July 2007, and his proposals for dealing with the collapse, had been heeded at
that time, it would have been possible to have achieved a Rooseveltian reform of the system. But now, two years later, and an official, $23 trillion in bank bailouts later, that is no longer possible. What is required is something
even more fundamental. What is required today, is financial bankruptcy reorganization, and the replacement of the British imperial monetary system, with a credit system.
Either an institutional solution is found within the immediate weeks ahead, or the nation will face
a dangerous phenomenon, a potential explosion on the street level. What is required now is a revolutionary return to Constitutional principles.
If we win the
fight in the U.S. by defeating the Obama fascist death policy, we can get a four-power agreement quickly for a new international credit system, using the unique leverage of the U.S. Constitutional commitment
to such an approach.
What LaRouche did, starting on April 11, in his international webcast on that date, to expose the behaviorists behind Nero Obama, has been crucial.
Had LaRouche not done that, the British would have succeeded in ramming through the Obama Nazi T-4 program already.
All should note how right
LaRouche was on the issue, then, and understand now, that LaRouche's statement on Wednesday, following Obama's press conference, that the President now deserves impeachment, is equally truthful and urgent at this moment.
The President, by pushing for an Executive Branch euthanasia board, has spit on the General Welfare Clause of the Preamble of our Federal Constitution. He has defied the Nuremburg
Principle, which was subsequently incorporated into the United Nations Charter. Remember Dr. Leo Alexander's exposition on Nuremburg: Does the President know, or should he know, that he is committing a crime against humanity, by explicitly
pushing for a policy that mirrors Adolph Hitler's September-October 1939? The answer is a resounding "yes." By his actions over
the past seven days, starting with the midnight White House insertion of the T-4 amendment into the House and Senate "health care" "reform" bills, and carrying through his press conference on Wednesday night and his Thursday
morning op-ed interview in the Washington Post, President Obama has chosen to put the impeachment issue onto the table. He did it himself, and it is no excuse for him to claim stupidity, or that "the British made me do it." Hitler was a stupid British puppet, but that did not at all make him any less
guilty of the mass crimes against humanity.
We must defeat Obama in his drive for Nazi health denial now.
The passage of this legislation would be the equivalent of the Reichstag fire or the 9/11 attacks.
If it is accepted that the President has a right to set the agenda for mass murder, our republic and civilization are finished. This policy is a
crime against humanity. As such, it is an impeachable action.
Either we break Obama by defeating this policy now and bring
him under control, or we are finished as a Republic, and the rest of humanity is doomed to a Dark Age for the foreseeable future.
Both Obama and his behaviorist
number-cruncher, Peter Orszag, are in a desperate, berserker flight-forward drive. Our job is to use the President's promotion of this "T-4" policy as the basis for rallying the forces for defeating this fascist policy, which
is an act of treason against the General Welfare clause of the Constitution.
There are numerous indications of growing opposition to this policy. Harry Reid announced that there would
not be a vote on the Senate version of the bill until the Fall, even as Nancy Pelosi continued to push for a vote in the House before the August recess. But all is not quiet in the House. Opposition is growing to the T-4 IMAC policy, which would shift responsibility for the budget from the House to the Executive, in violation of the Constitution.
But none of this will succeed,
unless we do as LaRouche has specified: "Put the fuzz on the impeach."
Denny Carr, MFA
Photographer and Video Artist
BIKE !!!! hase lepus trike (stroke-paralysis)
age 61 eco-friendly no-car
"I am a stroke survivor and deal daily with a speech disorder called Aphasia. This disorder is a result of my stroke in 2005. I am thankful God has given me the ability to express myself through my images and films." For more information, visit these websites: http://www.azimagery.com/
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