Saturday, August 29, 2009

National Bankruptcy. Hyper-inflation. Severe Credit Crisis

The Fall of America and the Western World

National Bankruptcy. Hyper-inflation. Severe Credit Crisis. The Death of the Dollar and the Euro. Socialism. Even Martial Law. For the first time since the Great Depression, the world’s problems have become our problems. And the experts all agree things will only get worse. Are you and your family ready to survive the catasrophe?

Two years in the making, this 9-disc set is loaded with information the popular media and our so-called leaders are purposefully not warning you about. Featuring exclusive, never-before-seen interviews with some of the biggest names in both alternative and mainstream thought, this riveting documentary can also be used as an interactive tutorial on everything you need to know to stop the crisis from worsening - and what to do if all else fails.

Also included are two exclusive booklets, not available anywhere else, How to Get off the Grid and How to Survive Martial Law, written by author, survivalist, and ex-military David Black. And if you order now we will include a 10th disc called "Conquering the Chaos - Sound Strategies in an uncertain world" for free.

  • Money, the Federal Reserve, the Current Economic Crisis and Financial Armageddon.
  • The
    Destruction of the Middle Class and the End of Democracy; How and Why the Middle Class is Being Destroyed and What That Means for Freedom in the U.S. and in the World
  • The
    Forthcoming World-wide Police State/Surveillance Society and How the U.S. and many other Countries Have Already Taken Major Steps to Close Down Our Free Society
  • The
    Globalist Agenda and the End to Nation Sovereignty
  • How to Protect Yourself and Your Loved Ones from Financial Armageddon, the Police
    State, the End of Freedom and Democracy, and How to Take Your World Back
  • Survival Guide featuring over 100 Actionable Tips, plus "What to Do When the Sh*t Hits the Fan", author
    David Black’s exclusive contributions: "How To Get Off The Grid" and "How to Survive Martial Law."
  • A Judeo-Christian Perspective on the Fall of America, the Globalist Agenda,
    the End of the Free world as We Know It, and the True Definition of the Antichrist
  • How
    political agendas in media have destroyed our ability to get real news
  • How our own governments are willfully destroying the rule of law.
  • The
    Power Elite's War on YOU and what to do about it
  • How Republicans and Democrats are tip toeing us toward socialism

Featuring exclusive interviews with NY Times best-selling author Naomi Wolf; radio-talk show host/filmmaker Alex Jones; conservative icon and the father of Reaganomics Dr. Paul Craig Roberts; NYU professor Mark Crispin Miller; best-selling author David Icke; best-selling author Mickey Z; finance expert and author Doug Casey; Federal Reserve expert and best-selling author G. Edward Griffin; radio-talk show host Doug McIntyre; biblical scholar Ken Klein; journalist and constitutionalist Joseph Farah of World Net Daily; economist and precious metals expert David McAlvany; The Fall of America and The Western World: A Survival Guide is not just must-see viewing.

It could literally save your life.


alt="George magazine debut" width=305 height=224 align="right" v:shapes="_x0000_i1025"> “George magazine debuts

A man who had been the subject of reporters all his life turned journalist in 1995 with the debut of George magazine. The motto for the publication was not just politics as usual. Its trademark became celebrity covers; the first issue featured Cindy Crawford dressed as George Washington, sporting a bra top, white wig and tight pants.”

  The plotters of 911
murdered John F. Kennedy, Jr. in anticipation of their deed to assure his silence.

Summary of Evidence:  John F. Kennedy, Jr. checked in with the FAA
Tower at Martha’s Vineyard at 9:39 p.m. on July 16, 1999.  This check-in activates two alarm systems: one if the plane thereafter descends below 100’ outside the landing area, another if the plane fails to land within five minutes.  Each alert should trigger an alarm and a search, but no focused search was begun for 15+ hours.  The delay was required by his killers to find the downed plane and remove the battery from the cockpit voice recorder, remove the Flight Log that listed all passengers, and remove the body of the Certified Flight Instructor who was on the plane.  Contrary to procedure, the Pentagon took control of the civilian crash
and “disappeared” crucial evidence.  Even after honest FAA employees used Kennedy’s unique transponder identity to construct an N-Tap Radar Analysis of his entire flight from departure to crash – showing
a vertical nose-dive at the precisely located crash point -- the Air Force lied by pretending that the radar showed a normal descent, did not show where the plane went down, and that they could not be sure that the radar of the (crashed!) plane was the one they were looking for.  Members of the establishment media were variously complicit in the cover-up of the murder,
or else first intimidated into silence, and then conscripted to smear Kennedy as reckless and irresponsible.

examining the death of John F. Kennedy, Jr. is not well known in the 911 Truth community, and it is not thought of as a 911 DVD, but it should be provided he meets the deserved caveats in the following"mso-spacerun: yes">  Hankey does what regrettably so few 911 DVDs even attempt to do – to put his subject matter into an understandable historical context, identify the major protagonists and forces at play, provide a clear and convincing sketch of the motivations for their act, and most importantly,
amass and integrate a compelling body of evidence to reach his conclusion.  At the center of this DVD sits a rock-hard proof that Kennedy, Jr. was murdered by high-ranking brass at the Pentagon.  The major institutional conspirators at the operational level in the
death of JFK, Jr. are the FAA and the Air Force, just as in 911, with a crucial supporting cover-up role by the National Transportation and Safety Board and the establishment media.  The true charm and force of Hankey’s production
is to juxtapose simultaneous media coverage filled with well sourced, damning hard facts – coverage that was quickly disappeared down the memory hole – with the outrageous lies trumpeted by the Pentagon and repeated by the media blasters as part of their complicity in the murder.  As the narrative takes hold, you realize that you are watching the replay of a live execution.

Hankey’s movie consists of three parts: the historical background and motivation for the murder, the proof that a murder was committed and covered up, and the account of the technical means by which the murder was accomplished. The cornerstone is the central proof of the murder and cover-up – it is
a wholly self-contained and thoroughly gratifying proof and analysis, the strength of which is unaffected by the many unhappy weaknesses that undermine the other two parts.

style='font-size:15.0pt;mso-bidi-font-size:15.0pt;font-family:"Copperplate Gothic Bold"'> Who Won World War II
Who Cares About A Spoiled Rich Kid Who Crashed His Plane,
And What The Hell has any of it got to do with 911?


For starters, Kennedy was not a spoiled rich kid, but a scion of a political family with a strong social conscience and with strong anti-fascist roots who had his own magazine, George, as a"mso-spacerun: yes">  John’s third birthday was spent at the state funeral for his father – the one imprinted in many of our memories with John-John’s famous salute on the cover of Life.  Kennedy Jr. had never accepted the Warren Commission Report, and like his uncle Robert F. Kennedy who was murdered by the same forces of the American military-industrial war machine that killed JFK for opposing it and seeking peaceful coexistence with the USSR, Kennedy wanted to expose and if still possible bring to justice his father’s killers.

Kennedy, Jr. showed his interest in murders of state and covert operations by publishing an article by Oliver Stone stating that in the course of history powerful men typically murdered their opponents, and that JFK had been dispatched this way.  George also published
“A Mother’s Defense” by Guela Amir, the mother of Yigal Amir, who was convicted of assassinating Yitzhak Rabin, the Israeli prime minister who offended the Israeli far-right by wanting to trade land for peace much as JFK had offended -- amongst others -- the military industrial complex and the Council on Foreign
Relations that wanted war in Vietnam and continued hostilities toward the USSR.  Guela Amir revealed that her son had operated under the tutelage and training of a Shin Bet agent, Avishai Raviv, working for forces seeking to halt the peace process Gentle reader, if
you were part of the Project for a New American Century (PNAC) powers that were already hard at work in Florida to fix the 2000 Presidential Election with the help of former (CIA) drug runner Hank Asher working hand-in-glove with Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris; if you were part of that far-sighted group of global strategists actively “shaping” the future in which they would soon be navigating, following their New Pearl Harbor, by eliminating any “potential capacity” for resistance, would you want George and Kennedy, Jr. around?   I do not think so.

You may wish to protest, “But
this is AMERICA!  Who could do such a thing?!”  Hankey’s general answer is that American industrial and banking finance leadership, the oil cartel in particular, has a potent fascist past that has been hidden and disguised from its people by the control that these very forces exercise over the media through ownership and influence.  And though the general
answer is correct, Hankey weakens his case and presentation by claiming, falsely, that Hitler was a mere puppet of these “American Nazis” who supposedly ordered him about.  Hankey claims literally that “the Rockefellers ran Auschwitz” until the end of WWII, and claims that these American Nazis are part of the Illuminati.  

Underlying Hankey’s claims
seems to be an odd belief that whoever supports or trades with the Nazis is a die-hard Nazi himself, unlike the measured view of scholar Charles Higham that much of the American support for Nazism came from a “Business as Usual” attitude that put personal profit and global economic hegemony high above such petty if not irrelevant issues as patriotism – the pragmatic pro-Nazi Rockefeller clan, Nelson in particular, comes to mind.  Higham also describes in detail the American
collaborators that were fascists to their core such as Henry Ford, Irené du Pont and elements of the Morgan group.   But to be a real Nazi, as opposed to a garden-variety fascist, requires the racial bloodlust and desire to exterminate the likes of Jews, Roma, Slavs, and homosexuals as an intrinsic good.  Du Pont not only traded with and protected
Nazi Germany throughout WWII, but he also heartily embraced core Nazi blood racism:

Irené du Pont was the most imposing and powerful member of the clan.   He was obsessed with Hitler’s principles.  He keenly followed the career of the future Führer in the 1920s, and
on September 7, 1926, in a speech to the American Chemical Society, he advocated a race of supermen, to be achieved by injecting special drugs into them in boyhood to make their characters to order.  He insisted his men reach physical standards equivalent to that of a Marine and have blood as pure as that in the veins of the Vikings.  Despite the fact that he had Jewish blood in his own veins, his anti-Semitism matched that of Hitler.

There is a important difference between a Hitler and a Himmler who want to kill all the Jews and a
mindless amoral functionary like Eichmann who takes pride in his technical proficiency at doing so, and say, a Nelson Rockefeller who plays both sides against the middle to maximize profits and give the American oil cartel a decided leg up on what he knew would be his greatly weakened post-WWII British competition, by turning against Britain the age-old strategy of divide-and-conquer that it had used against any continental power that became
too strong: let the Nazis, Britain, Western Europe and USSR bleed themselves white, and let American capitalists collect and count the chips. 

In fact, the gross indifference of the Western powers to saving the Jews during WWII – refusing even to bomb Auschwitz or the trains running to it – cannot be made sense of without understanding that Great Britain, the United States, and the most powerful Zionists world-wide did not want a glut of refugee Jews fleeing Europe to Israel because such an influx at that time would have roused Arab opposition and destabilized the West’s control of the oil resources of the Middle East.  One need not want to break bread with Lord Moyne, who did not want to risk British oil alliances, and refused the Jews entrance to British Palestine with the remark, “What can I do with this millio Jews?  Where can I put them?”  Nor need one be blind to Moyne’s anti-Semitism to see that he is not
a Nazi bent on exterminating all Jews.  All such distinctions are lost on Hankey, so that he is too often left with pure evil as a motive when tactics and strategy
play crucial functional roles. 

I don’t wish to make too much of these points. The distinction is becoming increasingly moot as the US pragmatic fascists for whom oil is more important than people join the purists, under the duress of resources increasingly unable to sustain world populations, in a war against their own peoples – part of a world-wide consolidation of power
against the peoples of advanced industrial societies.   In any case, the dark side of the CIA, the Willmoore Kendall side that with William F. Buckley Jr. wanted to smash the Bill of Rights back in the 1950s and 1960s, now clearly has all but full control of the organs of state.

Hankey contends that these
dark fascist forces that had been planning 911 for some years beforehand, and who otherwise controlled the media, did not want to have a loose end like Kennedy, Jr. around which to navigate in their post-911"mso-spacerun: yes">  Hankey has a secondary thesis that may or may not be true: that “W” participated in the murder of JFK, Jr. as a rite of initiation, as his father did with JFK, to earn a place at the table of fellow killers.  This secondary thesis is based on W’s disappearance for several days just before and after Kennedy’s death, is otherwise supported mostly by hunch
and intuition, is inessential to his most important claim, and will not be discussed here.

What Makes You Say JFK Jr. Didn’t Crash All By Himself?style='font-size:13.0pt;mso-bidi-font-size:12.0pt'>

On July 16, 1999, the night of his fatal crash, JFK Jr. was flying to Martha’s Vineyard in a Piper-Saratoga airplane with his wife Caroline and her
sister Lauren Bessette to drop off Lauren before flying to Hyannisport to attend the wedding of his cousin Rory the following day.  Approximately 18 miles shy of the local airport, at 9:40:15 p.m., the plane went into a steep vertical dive and crashed into the sea, killing all aboard.  Like
a good detective, Hankey sinks his teeth into one very meaty bone and refuses to let go until he has extracted all the information it can possibly yield: a full 15+ hours pass between the time of the crash and the onset of a focused
search for the missing airplane in the area where it was downed.  There are only two reasonable answers: the FAA/Air Force were unable to conduct a focused search for the downed plane with its VIP passengers until 15+ hours after the crash because they only learned
the location of the crash site at that time; or, the delay served an operational function in the execution or cover-up of the murders (e.g., making sure everyone was dead, removing vital evidence of foul play).  Let’s see what kind of VIP treatment was
extended to Kennedy and company.

At approximately 12:30 p.m. the following day, Petty Officer Todd Burgun of the Public Information Office of the Coast Guard made what for him was a routine press announcement that he
had been advised by FAA that at 9:39 p.m. Kennedy’s plane was holding steady and contacted air traffic control at Martha’s Vineyard to clear for final descent.  Hankey does not ask you to take his word for what Burgun said, he plays the television interview with Burgun’s live report.  Kennedy made contact with the air traffic controllers at Martha’s Vineyard in preparation for"mso-spacerun: yes">  There can be no doubt that Burgun’s source was FAA because (as three dimensional radar subsequently showed) at 9:38 p.m. Kennedy was adjusting his altitude to be above the required minimum to contact FAA for landing, and at 9:40 p.m. his plane was plunging into the"mso-spacerun: yes">  Then, like a clarion cry of guilt by the perpetrators, Burgun’s announcement was disappeared from the media, the FAA and Coast Guard were silenced, and all press communication was taken over by the
Pentagon under the pretext “because it’s an easily used facility.”

Why was Burgun’s report disappeared down the memory hole?  It is very simple.  When a plane contacts the FAA, its radar blip is logged into the FAA system by its tail-number, in this case N529JK. 
If that plane descends below 100 feet outside its normal landing area, an automatic alert is sounded and a search is launched at the point where the transponder-generated radar signal disappeared. 
Furthermore, once a plane has contacted FAA and been cleared for landing, if that plane does not land within five minutes, a search is automatically launched.  Thus, because Kennedy made contact with the FAA tower in Martha’s Vineyard, there could be no viable explanation for the delay in the focused search, so the inconvenient fact of Kennedy’s contact with the tower was made
to disappear.  The special VIP treatment extended to Kennedy was that no focused search was launched until 15+ hours later, and as Hankey reminds us, this special treatment was provided by the same institutional perpetrators of 911 – high-ranking bureaucrats in the FAA and leadership in the Air Force (General Richard Myers).

Instead, once the Pentagon took over, Lt. Colonel Steve Roark – Hankey repeatedly underscores the name in the tradition of The White Rose – tells the press, “I only know for sure that they did not talk to the tower at Martha’s Vineyard.”  We will return to Roark momentarily, but what is the Kennedy family doing while the plane is missing? According to USCG Rear Admiral Richard Larrabee of the US Coast Guard, at 02:15 a.m. a family friend telephoned to report the plane missing and asked
that a search and rescue effort be launched. Hankey asks the right question – Why is this family friend, Carol Ratowell, calling the Coast Guard instead of the FAA?  Hankey’s well-documented answer is that because the FAA had by that time repeatedly stonewalled the family, Ratowell tried the Coast Guard as the last resort.  The Coast Guard, in turn, contacted the FAA who contacted the Air Force, which in turn told the Coast Guard that the Air Force was now in charge.  The Air Force ignored the precise data available to the FAA to locate the plane and instead sent the Coast Guard to search an area 100 miles distant from where the plane even might have crashed, but otherwise did nothing
until being forced to do so. 

Ted Kennedy, understanding the murders of his brothers by the far right wing, and himself most likely almost their victim when he was the sole survivor of a small plane
crash that broke his back, desperately called Chief of Staff Norman Podesta at 6:30 a.m., who in turn called Clinton at 7:00 a.m., who in turn ORDERED the Air Force to begin a search, which began “a wild goose chase” over a 20,000 square mile area with two planes and two helicopters. style="mso-spacerun: yes">  Don’t think that everyone who participates in the cover-up understands its purpose, or likes it: Roark is often clearly uncomfortable lying, but he had made his decision to follow orders, so the banality of evil, as usual, rears its slothful head.

Are we jumping to conclusions?  Perhaps Roark is an untrained bureaucratic novice?  No,
Roark is the current Director of the USAF National Rescue School and the former director of the Air Force Rescue Coordination Center who has participated in over 1,000 search and rescue missions. But it is worse than that: you or I could read that graph without any problem.  This is how the murder of a
famous political figures and its cover-up are done directly in front of the US media despite many honest front-line reporters.

There’s more.  Kennedy’s Piper Saratoga was equipped with an emergency locator transmitter, a beacon that goes off after a crash and
signals via satellite the location of the crash site within feet to the FAA.  Did the beacon fail?  No, because ABC news coverage has visuals of
the precise location of the crash site as determined by the ELT, that the newscasters attributed to the ELT, with a little ELT logo to let you know the source of the data.  How does the Air
Force – now Media Central – handle this? The Air Force ignores the facts and announces that its dilatory broad-ranged search is happening and will continue because Kennedy failed to
file a flight plan (which would give them his course on which to check) and nevermade contact with any FAA Air Traffic Controllers along his route, so the Air Force had to search blindly.  But Hankey has amassed documentation that shows that before this flight Kennedy always filed a flight plan and always checked in for safety reasons with FAA along his route, that he was a careful, cautious, extremely conscientious non-aggressive pilot.

style='font-size:15.0pt;mso-bidi-font-size:15.0pt;font-family:"Copperplate Gothic Bold"'>So Why Did The Killers Need 15+ Hours to Find The Plane?

The dream of a petty criminal is to commit the perfect crime without leaving a clue, but the dream and the reality of the state criminal is to commit the perfect crime by having control of the crime scene to remove the incriminating evidence, and to have control of the investigation to eliminate any loose ends.  The murderers of John F. Kennedy, Jr. had control of the organs of state.  But what did they want to remove?  Some small things, and some larger things.

The Piper Saratoga is equipped with a flight voice recorder that records the last minute of voice communication from within the aircraft. But when that recorder was recovered, the battery necessary to preserve its content was missing.

Kennedy always kept his Flight Log in an aquamarine duffle bag. A newspaper report reproduced in the DVD gives photos of the duffle bag and the names of eyewitnesses who saw it found intact, but the Flight Log was reportedly not in the bag.

Removal of the Flight Log from the duffel bag would require being on the scene before the plane was officially found, and there is evidence strongly suggesting that is precisely
what happened.  Lt. Colonel Richard Stanley of the Civil Air Patrol had initiated a search for the missing plane on dry land off Martha’s Vineyard by 7:30 a.m., and advised the news media that at that time – hours before the official focused search and discovery – he had
seen Coast Guard helicopters circling the area; but the Coast Guard later advised that those were not their helicopters. Hankey concludes reasonably that these were the killers’ helicopters. 

Why does the Flight Log matter?  Because the Flight Log contains
a list of the passengers on that flight. But don’t we know the passengers on that flight?  Not exactly.  When family friend Carol Ratowell phoned the Coast Guard at 2:15 a.m.
she advised that there was a Certified Flight Instructor (CFI) on board, but his body was never found, and one of the seats of the aircraft also was missing.  Why does it matter whether a CFI was on board?  Because the NTSB would find that there had been no mechanical failure of the airplane, making
the crash a matter of pilot error – Kennedy’s pilot error – a scenario that requires disappearing the CFI.  Thus, part of the cover-up was a smear supposedly leaked to the media by an anonymous Kennedy “family member” that Kennedy was the only pilot aboard and that Kennedy
may not have been properly licensed to fly that plane, which he had purchased only two months before.  As Hankey skeptically remarks, this is just the kind of rumor that no real family member would ever leak to the media, hence we are hearing a planted story from the
plotters.  So the big part of the clean-up operation was to find and remove the body of the CFI, passenger seat included, something that Hankey says took so long because the plane sank. 

Another media smear that Hankey
deftly documents is a New York Post headline blaring “John Didn’t Want to Fly” leaked by a psychopathic liar and plagiarist in the service of the Mossad, C. David Heymann, as described by London Observer reporter Andrew Goldman and memorialized at

Hankey mounts a persuasive
argument that a CFI was on board using both circumstantial inference and direct historical precedent.  The three principal passengers had assembled by 7:30 p.m., yet they waited an additional 45 minutes to take off even though weather conditions were worsening, and even though Kennedy’s license was valid for clear-vision conditions but would not have been valid for hazy or stormy weather that compromised vision.  Kennedy made a phone call shortly before take-off,
but the NTSB failed to investigate to whom it was made and what was discussed, contrary to standard procedures.  Kennedy could get a CFI at a moment’s notice even if the one scheduled failed to appear.  Kennedy was still getting used to his new plane and had never flown it
without a flight instructor.  Kennedy had passed the written and hands-on tests for instrument certification that would permit him to fly it in any weather, and all he needed for the certification was to log additional hours with a CFI.  Kennedy, a stickler on rules and procedures, had made eight flights to Martha’s Vineyard
in the prior month and on five of those occasions bad weather would have made his flying the plane without a CFI beyond the scope of his license, something he would have been very unlikely to risk with his wife and sister-in-law aboard.  Hankey offers additional arguments for the CFI’s presence that cumulatively
are very powerful.
To be explicit, the force of the argument for the CFI is augmented within the context of the well-documented lies and cover-up to justify and explain the 15+ hour delay needed to assure the missing voice recorder battery, the missing flight log, and the missing CFI so that the crash could be blamed on pilot error.

But What About the National Transportation Safety Board!?

Hankey’s subject matter includes the corruption and infiltration of the federal organs of state power by a criminal bureaucracy that is fascist at its core and that is fully capable of misinforming, intimidating, and controlling the innocent members of these institutions to do their bidding. style="mso-spacerun: yes">  The NTSB answers the question of whether or not Kennedy has a CFI with him firmly, authoritatively, and apparently decisively, seeming to put to rest such silliness as Hankey proposes.  In a January 27, 2000 investigative report,
NTSB interviewer David Muzio quotes CFI Robert Merena, who had flown with Kennedy more than a dozen times, as speaking with Kennedy the day he died, July 16, 1999, and offering to fly with him.  Kennedy declined, saying, “I want to do it alone.”  The quote made headlines, and following as
it did in the wake of a vast orchestra of lies and deceits, embedded the meme in the American public mind that the poor stupid careless lazy self-indulgent Kennedy got what he deserved, too bad about Caroline and Lauren; worse, this contemptuous opinion about Kennedy came to the average American as his own spontaneous idea.

Of course, if the Kennedy crash were simple pilot error, there would have been no need for all the previously documented lies, so something is amiss, and Hankey performs with
sure-handed humorous bravo in stripping this falsehood naked.  Gosh! mocks Hanke it took the NTSB six months to get around to interviewing Merena who had this crucial information.  Then he looks at the NTSB file and sees that Muzio had interviewed Merena earlier and in a July 21, 1999 report, dated just five days after the crash, stated, “The instructor [Merena] was not aware of the pilot [Kennedy] conducting any flights in the accident
airplane without an instructor aboard.” Gosh again, mocks Hankey, maybe Muzio and Merena never talked about Merena’s final words with Kennedy on the fatal day.  No, because the file contains a letter from Merena to the NTSB dated July 21, 1999 – apparently a letter that Merena wrote and brought to his
interview with Muzio that day – that describes their final conversation.  Are we being asked to believe, asks Hankey rhetorically, that Merena offers to fly with John F. Kennedy, Jr. the very day that Kennedy crashes his plane, and that Kennedy declined, saying “No, I want to do it alone,” yet Merena neglects to mention this in his letter, and
neglects to mention it to Muzio five days after the crash? 
Are we to believe this even though Merena’s final conversation with Kennedy was discussed with Muzio five days
after the crash?  Are we to believe that all that ever was said is that Merena was not aware of Kennedy flying in that plane alone on prior occasions?  We
might as well believe that pigs can fly.


Hankey’s hunch that “W” had to participate in the murder of Kennedy Jr. to earn a seat at the killer’s table may or may not be correct, and his account of the mechanics of how Kennedy Jr. was killed may or may not be correct – a matter discussed in the
Appendix – but it does not matter.  What matters is that Hankey has given us a full-court satisfying proof that John Kennedy Jr. was murdered by a fascist ruling class in direct control of the
Pentagon, FAA and subordinate governmental bureaucracies such as the NTSB, and with the media fully intimidated and controlled at its core by the owners and mangers who belong to the ruling class, and who keep at bay, largely by
suasion, bluff and distraction the relevant and penetrating inquiries of the front-line reporters.   Linda Killian of People Magazine, who asked why it took so long for the Air Force to learn about the missing plane, knows not to force her way up the chain of
command with, “The Pentagon is covering up! You’ve got to let me work on this.”

One In A Series Aimed At a Tyrannical End State

The study of the state murders of JFK, X, MLK, and RFK; the USGIC domestic terror operations of WTC93, OKC and 911 is only partly about proving that they were inside jobs – they all reek and shout this truth once the facts are assembled.  Rather, such a study has as its proper subject the structure of political power within the United States ruling class, the plans that the rulers have for us and for this country’s future, and if possible stopping them and changing those plans.  The political assassinations of the 1960s, and the more recent ones, were to deprive the progressive and radical left of their singularly effective voices – it is no accident that COINTELPRO only swung into its full stride of frame-ups and murders after these voices were stilled.  The acts of domestic terror were to usher in the police state under the façade of fighting terrorism. 

Where does the fascism reaching out to embrace us come from? Hankey’s answer, and mine, is that it has long been a part of the American landscape.  My answer, not Hankey’s, is the Old Left answer that fascism is simply monopoly capitalism in times of stress when the rights and welfare of a democratic working middle class must be smashed.  Presently, the destruction of these rights serves the vast enrichment of the ruling class at the expense of the poor and middle class, and also “shapes” the future by depriving the ruled of even the “potential capacity” to organize and resist as
the advanced civilizations will too soon no longer be able to support and to pacify their populations into obedience because the benefits of abundant non-renewable energy and resources are now coming to an"mso-spacerun: yes">  Purist and pragmatic fascists here join hands.

Malcolm X famously said of the first Kennedy assassination “The chickens have come home to roost.”style="mso-spacerun: yes">  Malcolm meant that it is impossible for a ruling class to cultivate a troop of murdering thugs to undermine and destroy democratic governments abroad without that same ruling class using those same murdering thugs to implement their political plans at home by destroying democracy.  Don’t take my word for it.  Hear it from the mouth of ruling class scribe Harrison Salisbury during a period in 1975 when he was particularly disaffected with the predations of the imperial war in Southeast Asia and the violations of its charter that the CIA routinely engaged in domestically. style="mso-spacerun: yes">   Salisbury, who later rose to become an associate editor of The New York Times, used to meet with Director of Central Intelligence Allen Dulles to share useful intelligence acquired in pursuit of his trade,
and Harrison would engage in elevated conversation with Dulles and a group of polished, well-educated, well-dressed and sophisticated intellectual gentlemen.

“There were
no sharp edges—well almost no sharp edges.  Usually there would be one man in the small group who was silent throughout the polite talk.  His suit did not come from Brooks.  It came off the rack.  And his face did not come from the Ivy League.  It was not relaxed or handsome.  It was harsh-featured and there was likely the look of a weasel in it.   This man would sit through the whole conversation, his back to the wall, saying nothing, ignored by the others.  When the conversation was over and Allen Dulles was shaking hands and expressing his deep appreciation, the silent man would slide into the background, saying nothing, not offering to shake hands; as you were walking out, you would remember that he had never been introduced.

[The style of the CIA has changed since its inception.]  But the fundamental question remains what it has been all along.  Which is the real face of the CIA—the clubbable avuncular face of Dulles, or the hawklike visage of the silent man with the ill-fitting clothes, suggestion of garlic breath, and deft hand with a short angle iron?”

Salisbury’s essay leaves no doubt that to ask that very question is also to answer"mso-spacerun: yes">  Philip Agee, the former CIA officer whose efforts to stop the Agency’s predations abroad in the service of US ruling class imperialism moved Congress to stop him by means of the 1982 Intelligence Identities Protection Act, also answers it"mso-spacerun: yes">  Controlled dictatorships abroad are good for American business.  After quitting the Agency, Agee explains to a former colleague still with the CIA:

Goulart was President [of Brazil]
as a result of democratic elections. Did we care? Hell no. The Agency organized and financed so much turmoil the country seemed ungovernable, and that’s just what the military needed. At the right moment they sent Goulart packing and set up their own government. And what’s happening there today, after eight years of military rule? Institutionalized torture by security services the Agency trained.

The Left [in Greece] had been the principal resistance movement during the Nazi occupation.  After the war first
the British, then the Americans, intervened to install and sustain corrupt, conservative regimes.  Through savage political repression, just as in Chile, they tried to exterminate the Left.  The CIA was the
main instrument, working through the police and security services.  They set up the Greek CIA, the KYP, trained its people and gave it money and equipment.  Then, when it looked like a moderately reformist government might come to power through elections, the [CIA-backed] “colonels” staged a coup using a sham “communist plot” as pretext.  Echoes of Latin America. For the next seven years Greece lived under
a fascist military regime, led almost to the end by the colonel who had been the KYP’s chief liaison officer with the CIA.  Thousands of Greeks went through that regime’s prisons and torture chambers,
and thousand were forced to live in exile.

[And while on the run from the CIA in Italy, Agee sees that he is being followed and reflects.]  I
started getting that feeling, like emotional choking.  Fuckin’ Italian services.  They’re even worse than the Spanish.  The Agency set them up after the war with the same officers that served Mussolini.  They just got a new name.  Still as fascist as ever, and up to their necks in right-wing bombings and"mso-spacerun: yes">   And I’m all alone. No witnesses.  What the Christ do I do now?

Gentle reader,
you may appreciate that these are no longer abstract or theoretical matters, even though the barbarism of the ruling class is being masked as such in learned society, trying to keep in place the mask of the tweedy academic rather than the garlic-breathed thug with the short angle iron.  Listen to the pertinent excerpt from a “debate” between the learned John Yoo, now a professor of law at the University of Berkeley, formerly one of the unholy coterie of legal fascists – notably David Addington and Alberto Gonzales – dedicated to undermining the US"mso-spacerun: yes">  The debate occurs at Columbia University on December 1, 2005, regarding whether there are any legal or Constitutional constraints on the President’s authority to torture. 

The reasons may be slight indeed, as Canadian citizen Maher Arar found out when he was detained in New York while on route to a Tunisia for vacation, and then rendered to Syria where he was systematically tortured for 10 months though he had no links to any terror"mso-spacerun: yes">  The Royal Canadian Mounted Police were not apologetic.  Instead they circulated lies about Arar to justify their actions and were backed up by the USGIC-supported neo-fascist Howard government as well as the neo-fascist press of Canada’s ruling class who underscored not the danger of savaging civil rights, but the danger
that a case like Arar’s might cause hesitation to do so................

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