Thursday, June 4, 2009

Vice President Biden is confronted criminal demolitions on 9/11/01

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41 U.S. Counter-Terrorism and Intelligence Agency Veterans Challenge the Official Account of 9/11

May 20, 2009 by POPEYE

Alan Miller of Patriots Question 9/11 has a new roundup entitled:

“41 U.S. Counter-Terrorism and Intelligence Agency Veterans Challenge the Official Account of 9/11 – Official Account of 9/11: “Terribly Flawed,” “Laced with Contradictions,” “a Joke,” “a Cover-up””  Click here to see the roundup.

The counterterrorism officials speaking out include, by way of example only:

* Terrell (Terry) E. Arnold, MA – Former Deputy Director, Office of Counter-Terrorism and Emergency Planning, U.S. State Department. Former Chairman, Department of International Studies, National War College. Graduate of the National War College. Retired Senior Foreign Service Officer of the U.S. Department of State.

* William Christison – Former National Intelligence Officer. Former Director of the CIA’s Office of Regional and Political Analysis, a 250-person unit responsible for political analysis of every country and region in the world. 29-year CIA veteran.

* Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski, PhD, U.S. Air Force (ret) – Former member of the staff of the Director of the National Security Agency. Former Political-Military Affairs Officer in the Office of the Secretary of Defense. 20-year Air Force career.

* Robert David Steele – U.S. Marine Corps infantry and intelligence officer for twenty years. Second-ranking civilian (GS-14) in U.S. Marine Corps Intelligence from 1988 - 1992 and a member of the Adjunct Faculty of Marine Corps University. Also former clandestine services case officer with the CIA. 25-year U.S. military and intelligence career. Currently Founder and CEO of and a proponent of Open Source Intelligence.

* Wayne Madsen – Former U.S. Navy Intelligence Officer, specialist in electronic surveillance and security. Formerly assigned to the National Security Agency and the State Department. Currently, investigative journalist, nationally distributed columnist, and author.

Check it out for yourself!

Vice President Biden is confronted with evidence of criminal demolitions on 9/11/01 BY WeAreChange-LA

May 19, 2009 by POPEYE

(WAC - LA)  After the last words were spoken, it was obvious that the press would not have an opportunity to ask questions, so Jeremy and Bruno moved quickly, crammed against the wall, toward the podium in an effort to create an opportunity to ask a question. We were at an advantage with our hand held cameras, and we actually found ourselves right next to Biden as he moved chairs aside to fulfill requests for photos with residents in attendance. The moment generated many smiles and laughter, and genuine joy could be seen in the faces of all the residents. Biden stood and addressed the residents, and the instant that the photo op was finished, Jeremy engaged him: Vice-President Biden, Im Jeremy Rothe-Kushel with WACLA Media. Biden said, If I had your hair, I would be President! Jeremy couldnt disagree with that and offered up that Biden could have some since there was enough to go around. Then it was time to get serious and Jeremy jumped right into the preliminary part of his question.

It seems like with the kind of work that Esparanza and communities around the world are doing in terms of rejuvenating themselves, we could all rejuvenate our communities. So, I want to ask you about the role, the foundational role, [that] restoring the rule of law has in terms of rejuvenating our economy because there was a recent scientific paper that came out, I dont know if you know about it, but it basically is conclusive that the World Trade Center was blown up by very high, advanced explosives and it should have been and continue to be the very highest news story right now. So, my question to you is, when are you and President Obama going to ask the Department of Justice to start a criminal investigation in terms of who produced this advanced nano-thermite and who put it in the World Trade Center?

The space had gone silent, and every single person, including the press, the residents, the politicians and the Secret Service were listening intently to Jeremys question, and they all could not help but witness Bidens discomfort and his loss for words. At this point Biden asked to see the report and took it to into his hands to look at it.

With the paper in the Vice-Presidents hands, Jeremy finished up the question by asking: And if you all are not going to do that, is it possible for We the American People to trust you with our economy if we cant trust you with restoring the rule of law? Biden, obviously caught in an awkward moment, handed the scientific paper back to Jeremy, and said “Yes,” then said thank you to everybody, and quickly turned to leave. While leaving the scene, offered up a little bit more in terms of his ambiguous answer. That its possible to trust—you can trust us.

Unsatisfied with the evasiveness and ambiguity of the Vice Presidents answer, Jeremy continued to call out to Biden, asking him to clarify his position in regards to the 9/11 cover-up, but Biden did not clarify his position any further. Are you going to do an investigation? Sir, are you part of the treasonous cover-up of 9/11 or are you going to help clear this up? Vice President Biden, this is about treason under Article III, Section 3 of the Constitution.

Today we managed to get the only question asked, and every single person present walked away from that event with Jeremys question about scientific proof for military grade explosives used in the destruction of the Twin Towers on their mind. On our way out, a reporter complained to Jeremy that “it doesn’t matter what story you are after you should always keep it with the agenda of the moment,” to which Bruno’s pleasant response was, “When is 9-11 ever the agenda of the moment?” The reporter bowed his head and walked away.

As we stood in the street, smiles on our faces for having just had an intense experience of engaging high rank politicians about 9-11 and treason, the same Secret Service agent we had interacted with before the press conference came walking out. He smiled and pointed at us, Great work guys!” then he saluted us! Yes, a Secret Service agent saluted us for asking the Vice President a hard question about scientific proof of the controlled demolition of the towers on 9-11. Bruno called out to him “Thank you! You did a great job running a smooth operation!


May 12, 2009 by POPEYE

Author and VoxPop Founder Sander Hicks discusses , Who Killed Dr. Graham? For the first time, a 911 Truth-Seeker has died from foul play, and the FBI is involved.

UQ Wire: Spitzer Filed Legal Brief
On the 6th anniversary of the 9/11 attack, Brooklyn activist newspaper the/ New York Megaphone/ breaks this exclusive story: Distribution via the Unanswered Questions Wire .

Spitzer Filed Legal Brief, Helped Silverstein Win $4.5 B

EXCLUSIVE! The Real Spitzer Scandal a 9/11 Spitzer Scandal --The Spitzer scandals continue.

On the 6th anniversary of the 9/11 attack, Brooklyn activist newspaper the/ New York Megaphone/ breaks this exclusive story:

NY Governor Eliot Spitzer filed an amicus brief on 1/15/03 on behalf of the World Trade Centers controversial lease-holder, the real estate magnate Larry Silverstein. This document shows that Spitzer, as Attorney General, helped Silverstein get the whopping $4.5 billion windfall for the 9/11 attacks. The record is clear: Spitzer helped reverse a lower courts decision, by making credible Silversteins argument that the two different plane crashes on 9/11/01 should be compensated as two different terrorist attacks.

This amicus brief has never been reported before today, in print or online. It was discovered in the court archives on the 17th floor of the 2nd Circuit Court (NYC), and released to the/ New York Megaphone/ by attorney Carl Person. In reporter Sander Hickss exclusive story, author and lawyer Carl Person says:

I was surprised to see that Spitzer had used his position as attorney general to support one private litigant over another. Normally, this is not done.

Hicks story also covers Governor Spitzers recent scandals with police spying on rival Joe Bruno, the Roger Stone voice mail threat, as well as new information and interviews regarding the Spitzer links to Kroll executives Michael Cherkasky and Jerome Hauer. Hicks hands in an original interview with Jerome Hauer, probing his documented links to anthrax suspect Steven Hatfill. Hauer is widely believed to be the source of the White Houses foreknowledge about the anthrax attacks on 9/11/01.

In 2004, Eliot Spitzer was asked to investigate 9/11 by 66% of New Yorkers. Those pleas were ignored. 51% of the USA wants Bush and Cheney investigated for 9/11, according to a Zogby poll last week.

This is the 6th issue of the New York Megaphone, a quarterly newspaper published by activist writers and Citizen Journalists Pursuing the Unreported Story at the Vox Pop coffeehouse and community center in Ditmas Park, Brooklyn.

The Real Spitzer Scandal is currently distributed in a print run of 40,000 for the Fall NY Megaphone, distributed throughout NYC. Circulation is estimated to be over 62,000. “The Real Spitzer Scandal” is also online, free and in full, at This issue of the New York Megaphone also includes a wide variety of quality original reporting, small business features, and humor.

Hicks original interview with bio-terror expert Jerome Hauer is at

The Spitzer/Silverstein Amicus Brief is at:

The story was reported and written by Sander Hicks, with reporting help from Igor Kossov and Kempshall McAndrew.


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    On 09.17.07 Yo Wi said: After watching Bldg 7 fall, on live TV news, I became very suspicious. Why? The 2 news anchors were obviously informed to ignore
    the large video screen behind them, and not even remark that another very large building collapsed approx 7 hours later.Living in Nebraska, a kind man from Manhatten NYC told me to visit . That was in Dec 2004. All my questions about Bldg 7 were soon answered. To think I was afraid to surf to any 9-11 topics for 39 months now disappoints me. but at least I wised up. I now have over 500 pages of info, and tons of computer files. The crooks aint gonna scare me anymore. Not since Dec 2004.

    Danish Scientist Niels Harrit: Nano-Thermite Found in the WTC dust

    May 11, 2009 by POPEYE
    Filed under 911 Archives,

    (YOUTUBE)   This is an interview with Danish Scientist Niels Harrit, about nano-thermite found in the WTC dust. Unless the Taliban is making nano-thermite in a cave somewhere, you already know what this means. 

    Definitive proof of controlled demolition of the WTC using the scientific
    Method here:

    Full story, transcript, high quality video here.

    Active Thermitic Material Discovered in Dust from the 9/11 World Trade Center
    Catastrophe PDF Here:

    president: Osama bin Laden is dead

    May 11, 2009 by POPEYE

    (RAW STORY)   Two weeks ago, Pakistan President Asif Ali Zadari suggested that
    Osama bin Laden might be dead, saying that U.S. and Pakistani intelligence agencies had been unable to detect any sign of the world’s most wanted man since an audio
     of his voice was released in March.

    Sunday morning, Zadari went further: “I don’t think he’s alive,” the president told NBC’s David Gregory. “I have a strong feeling and reason to believe that.” Zadari continued: “I have asked my counterparts in the American intelligence services and they haven’t heard [from] him in seven years.”

    The CIA has not confirmed that the voice purporting to be bin Laden in the March recording was in fact bin Laden. U.S. officials have claimed that bin Laden could be hiding in the mountainous region along the border of Afghanistan and Pakistan.

    Just before saying that he believes bin Laden is dead, Zadari told Gregory that America has “been looking [in Afghanistan] for eight years… You lost him in Torah Borah, I didn’t.”

    But Pakistan is still part of the worldwide “lookout brigade” for the alleged terrorism mastermind, Zadari said.

    Popular Mechanics OWNED by 9/11 Truth

    May 10, 2009 by POPEYE

    (YOUTUBE) The Research Editor of Popular Mechanics Daven Coburn, gets schooled by a radio host and his callers about 9/11 truth. Daven was one of the investigators from Popular Mechanics who worked the “Debunking” article for them.




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